"Divine Light" is the title chosen for Uozu Lighting'sevent that will take place on March 22 at the Franco Zeffirelli museum in Florence. lt will be a conference an exploration of the concept of light, and the presentation of the Uozu 2018 collection.
The event will take place in the wonderful location ofthe Zeffirelli Museum, a baroque palace hosting theworks of ltalian film and theatre director FrancoZeffirelli. Our CEO Antonio Russo will be hosting theeven, during which we will analyze the imaginaryspace in the Divine Comedy and the light andarchitecture of the space in this work of literature.
The first speaker, Riccardo Bruscagli, is ProfessorEmeritus of ltalian Literature of the University ofFlorence and has been one of the most prominent figures in the recent history of the university. His lecture, “Dante, architect of the after life' will investigate the rich tradition of literary work and research that in these 700 years has analyzed the relationship between Dante's Comedy and space.
The second speaker, Luca Molinari, is an architect,design critic and curator. During the event he will present the exhibition of which he is curator, "ltalian architecture for the Divine Comedy", currently on view at the Royal Palace of Caserta, where 70 ltalian writers and artists of different generation shave been invited to interpret the symbolic and narrative universe of Dante's work.
The third speaker, Daniele Nannuzzi, is one of themost famous cinematographers and photographydirectors in ltaly, as well as a lighting designer fortheatre. He has received the prestigious “David diDonatello and the "Golden globe" prizes for bestphotography direction. His speech "lluminating thescene" will focus on the impact of lighting in cinema-tography, as well as his recent recreation of theimaginary space of Dante's Divine Comedy in theshort movie "Zeffirelli's inferno".